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June 18, 2018 1518

Nanotechnology is a field of research and innovation concerned with building 'things' - generally, materials and devices - on the scale of atoms and molecules. Nanotechnology is hailed as having the potential to increase the efficiency of energy consumption, help clean the environment, and solve major health problems.

Nanotechnology is the future of cardiac medicine, because it is quicker, uses lesser instruments, is minimally invasive, and gives better and faster results. Almost 32% of people in India are dealing with heart diseases. Busy lifestyle, stress, smoking and alcohol and unhealthy habits are giving so many people heart issues like blocked arteries. With more and more people in their 40s and 30s, and sometimes even 20s, suffering from heart disease, providing a long-term solution for blockages is becoming increasingly important. With advances in technology, especially in the field of Nano medicine, opening blocked arteries is getting safer and more effective than ever before.

Angioplasty is a procedure to open narrowed or blocked coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart. During an angioplasty, a balloon catheter is guided into the affected artery; the balloon may be ‘blown up’ a few times to widen the diameter of the artery. Often a coronary artery stent, a small, metal mesh tube that expands inside the artery, is placed during or immediately after angioplasty to help prevent the artery from closing up again. A drug-eluting stent, now the norm, has medicine embedded in it that helps prevent the artery from closing in the long-term.

This is a minimally invasive, non surgical procedure that helps a doctor treat the patient faster. It also results in quicker recovery time. Nanotechnology is changing the face of cardiac health and making sure it heals hearts in an efficient manner.

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Francis Rodrigues
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Vishal Subharwal
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