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Child Plans

Child education plans are financial tools for securing a child's future, especially for higher education needs. They combine life insurance with savings, where parents pay premiums that accumulate into a maturity benefit for the child's education. These Child plans offer life cover, and in case of a parent's demise, they provide additional benefits like covering remaining premiums.

Guaranteed1 Returns for Your Child

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What Are Child Education Plans?

image-star image-star image-star image-star image-star image-star image-cloud image-cloud image-cloud moon Secure your child's future financially in a structured way

A child education plan is a special type of child policy plan which is designed for parents to secure their child's future financially in a structured way. The parents have to pay a certain amount of premium and they will receive a certain maturity benefit for the child's higher education. Moreover, the child plan also provides life cover from the insurance element of the policy.

The premium can be monthly, semi-annually, annually or a one-time payment. In the unfortunate death of one of the parents, a child plan can offer triple benefits to beneficiaries. This includes a life insurance cover, payout of the maturity benefit and the payment of insurance premiums by the insurer. This payout can be received as a single lump sum upon maturity or periodically at different ages of the child.

What are the child plans offered by HDFC Life?

Why Buy Child Insurance Plan? Why Buy Child Insurance Plan?

Why Do You Need a Child Education Plan?

Child Education Plan allows you to stay financially ready for your child's educational requirements. These plans assist in saving for your child's future needs and offer returns to help you achieve your child's desired goals:

  • Quick assistance during financial emergencies

  • Safeguarding the child’s future

  • Addressing increasing education costs

  • Assured investment returns

  • Providing security for obtaining education loans

Why Invest in Child Plans?

Investing in child policy can allow to enjoy triple benefits in case of untimely demise of a policyholder, which are as follows:

  • A life cover is provided to the nominees of the policyholder i.e. the family members.

  • All the remaining premiums are borne by the insurance company. On maturity, the sum assured is paid out to the child.

  • Also, during the present scenario, the child beneficiary gets his or her monthly expense cover. It includes education-related costs such as books, copies, tuition fees, etc.

Features of Child Insurance Plans

Here are some of the features of child plans:

Life Cover

Life Cover

If something happens to you, the policy will give a lump sum of money to the people you choose. This ensures that your children's education fund remains secure and they can continue their studies without financial worries.

Premium Waiver

Premium Waiver

If the policyholder dies unexpectedly during the policy term, the insurance company will pay all the remaining premiums. This ensures that the policy stays active, and the child's future, especially their education, remains secure without any interruptions in premium payments.

Partial withdrawals

Partial withdrawals

The policy also allows partial withdrawals from 6th year onwards (i.e. after 5 years). It can be beneficial to fund certain milestones in a student's career such as admission fees, educational trips etc.

Sum assured

Sum assured

Apart from life cover after deducting partial withdrawals, you will receive the remaining balance of the sum assured upon maturity.

Tax benefits

Tax benefits

You can also be eligible for tax benefits under section 10(D)# and deductions under 80C# of the Income Tax Act. The amount of premium paid toward the policy will be eligible for a tax deduction, hence reducing your overall tax liability.

Benefits of Investing in a Child Education Plan

Listed below are some of the benefits of investing in a child education plan:
Security for the Future

Security for the Future

Investing in a child education plan ensures that your child's educational requirements are covered, providing a piece of mind that their future is secure even in your absence.

Financial Safeguard

Financial Safeguard

In the unfortunate event of your dismissal, the insurer provides the life cover to the nominees and your family receives an immediate payout. And future premiums are waived off, ensuring the policy remains in force without imposing a financial burden on the child.

Flexible Cover

Flexible cover

Child education plans offer flexible payout options, allowing you to receive funds at key educational milestones, such as college admission.

Tax Advantages

Tax Advantages

Investments in child education plans can help you to avail tax deductions, providing a means to save money while securing your child's educational future.

Protection against inflation

Protection Against Inflation

With educational costs rising due to inflation, a child education plan helps you stay ready, ensuring that your child can pursue top-tier courses without any financial hindrance.

High Returns

High Returns

A Child Education Plan offers insurance coverage and potential investment advantages. Opting for the appropriate plan increases your opportunity to yield greater returns than conventional savings methods.

Regular Saving

Regular Saving

The best child education plan will motivate you to save regularly in a structured manner, guaranteeing a steady allocation of funds for your child's education.

Types of Child Plans

Primarily child plans are of two types, which are as follows:


Child ULIPs

A Child ULIP serves as both an insurance policy and an investment. Similar to a typical child education plan, a portion of your funds are allocated to safeguarding your child, while the remaining portion is invested in a combination of equity and debt.


Child Savings Plan

A child savings plan allows you to invest without taking market risks. This comprehensive plan offers maturity perks, life coverage, along tax benefits all within a single policy.

How Do Child Plans Work?

Let us take an example to understand how a child plan works:

Mr Mukherjee, a parent of a 5-year-old, plans to start investing in his son's higher education abroad. He is paying a monthly premium of Rs. 8,000 for 15 years.

Note: ROI is 21%

Let’s consider two different scenarios to understand how the payout would work. 

Situation 1: Mr Mukherjee out-lives the policy term

In such a scenario, Mr Mukherjee will receive a sum assured of Rs. 1.1 crore (approx.) at the end of the policy tenure and now it can be used for higher education of his son.

Situation 2: Mr Mukherjee dies on the 8th year of the policy term

In this situation, Mr Mukherjee's child and other nominees will receive a lump sum amount as life cover and the remaining premiums will be waived off. The nominees can also make partial withdrawals for the child's educational purpose based on the type of policy chosen.

How Much Should You Invest in a Child Plan?

The cost of education is increasing at a rapid pace. According to a recent study, it was identified that the average cost of education from primary classes to post-graduation was Rs. 8,331 per year for a student.  However, this study was conducted considering all the types of schools and colleges available across the country. We know that the cost of private schools and colleges is way more than government-owned institutions.

Moreover, the cost of professional courses such as engineering can be more expensive and the cost of some business school courses can become even more expensive, hence based on the desires and interests of the child you will have to plan for a sufficient sum assured.

What is the Claiming Process for Children Insurance Plans?

Listed below is the step-by-step guide to claim for a child insurance policy.

Step 1: First, you will have to inform your insurer that you are willing to file a claim. You can convey this by phone, email or by physically visiting your nearest branch office.

Step 2: Fill out the claim form by entering details such as name, insured child details, policy number etc. You can either download the form from the insurer’s website or obtain it from their branch office.

Step 3: Next, you will have to submit some of the essential documents such as a death certificate, medical reports, identity proofs etc., with the claim form.

Step 4: The insurer will then conduct a verification and investigation of the incident and might appoint a surveyor for claim processing. 

Step 5: Post investigation and approval, the beneficiaries of the policy will receive the claim amount in their bank account.

List of Documents Required for Buying Children's Insurance Plans

Listed below is the list of documents required to avail a children's insurance plan:

  • Proposal form

  • Identity proof (passport, voter ID card, Aadhaar, driving licence)

  • Age proof

  • Income proof

Tips to Consider While Buying the Right Child Education Plan:

Here are the following things to consider while buying the perfect child education plan:

Starting Early

Starting Early

Investing early in a child education plan helps you grow your money over the long term leveraging the compounding effect. This results in a larger sum that can be beneficial to fulfill your child's aspirations.

Avail an Investment Based on Your Requirements

Avail an Investment Based on Your Requirements

There are some investment plans available in the market which allow you to choose various asset mixes such as either equity, debt or a mix of both.

Check for Premium Waiver

Check for Premium Waiver

While finalizing a child plan, always check whether the premium waiver benefit is included or not. As in case of the policyholder's demise, all future premiums for the policy will be borne by the insurer.

Regular Payments with Annuity Plans

Check for the Partial Withdrawal and Feature

When buying an education savings plans consider plans that offer the flexibility to withdraw a designated sum from the Child Education Plan throughout its duration. This provision enables you to remain financially equipped for your child's significant milestones, like college admissions or weddings, while also serving as a buffer for unexpected financial emergencies.

How Early Planning Can Benefit Your Child's Education in Future?

Listed below are some of the benefits of early planning for your child’s future:

More Savings over Time

More Savings over Time

Starting early gives you more time for your invested funds to grow and compounding requires time to demonstrate exponential growth in return.

More Time to Find Better Options

More Time to Find Better Options

Investing early in a child education plan can help you with more time researching various educational options and choosing the one which best suits your child.

Secures Your Child’s Future and Reduces Your Stress

Secures Your Child’s Future and Reduces Your Stress

The overall cost of education is increasing at a rapid pace. Considering the effects of inflation these days, your children's education may require a lot more money than you initially planned for. Here opting for a child education plan as early as possible can be the wisest move to make

Inculcate Financial Responsibility

Inculcate Financial Responsibility

By starting early you start saving for your child's education, it can teach them the importance of saving money from a very early age in life.

Tax Advantages of a Child Education Plan


Under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act 1961#, premiums paid for a child education insurance plan are eligible for tax benefits. Under this act, the premium paid for a life insurance policy under a Child Investment Plan is tax deductible up to a maximum of Rs. 1, 50,000.


According to Section 10 (10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961#, you can get tax-free maturity benefits if the annual premiums of a child plan are up to a maximum of Rs. 2, 50,000 (ULIPs) or Rs 5,00,000 (Other than ULIPs) subject to conditions mentioned . These benefits remain tax-free in the event of the parent's demise or upon the child savings plans policy's completion.


Sections of the Income Tax Act, 1961#

Tax Benefits under the Child Education Plan

Section 80C

 - Premiums paid under this plan are eligible for tax deduction upto Rs. 1,50,000 subject to conditions specified.

Section 10 (10D)

 - Enjoy tax-free maturity with your child plan, with an annual premium of up to Rs. 2,50,000 for ULIPs or Rs 5,00,000 for other than ULIPs subject to conditions mentioned.


 - Tax-free benefits are received on death .


Discover more about the deduction under 80C for the best child education plan.

What is Life Cover and Why It's Important in Child Plans?

Life cover within a child education plan serves as financial security for children, should you pass away. It provides a lump sum to the beneficiary, usually the child, assisting with needs like education, marriage, and other expenses.


Secure your child's financial future

Your unfortunate demise won’t leave your child stranded. With the benefits of a Life Insurance Policy in your child education plan, your children will still have the financial backup needed to safeguard their needs, empowering them to pursue their higher education or life goals even without your financial support.


Peace of mind for you

Being assured of your child's financial security with the best child plan can grant you peace of mind. This helps you to concentrate on other areas of your life, such as your career and family, knowing your child’s future education expenses are taken care of.



Life cover provided by a child education plan presents a cost-effective option, ensuring accessibility to long-term advantages. Within this framework, you can tailor the life cover amount per your financial constraints while adequately meeting your child's needs and aspirations.

Why Choose HDFC Life’s Top-Selling HDFC SL Youngstar Super Premium Plan?

In this policy, the investment risks in the investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder.

HDFC Life's Top-Selling HDFC SL Youngstar Super Premium Plan can be your child insurance plan of choice for several reasons. These reasons range from your individual financial goals to your risk appetite and preferences. Here are some potential reasons why you could consider this child education plan:

Enhanced Financial Security

Comprehensive Protection

This plan offers comprehensive Life Insurance coverage. Such child education insurance plans also offer riders for extra protection, such as critical illness and accidental death benefit. These riders ensure financial security for the policyholder and their family in case of an unfortunate event.

Financial Commitment - Investing in Annuity plan

Wealth Accumulation

The plan provides for wealth accumulation through systematic investment in various HDFC Life funds. The choice of investment funds varies based on individual risk appetite and goals. This allows policyholders to grow their wealth with significant returns on investment in the long-term. 

Check Features, Riders and Flexibility


HDFC SL Youngstar Super Premium Plan policyholders experience flexibility in terms of premium payment options and choice of funds. They are also flexible when it comes to switching between funds based on market fluctuations or investment goals. This flexibility allows policyholders to tailor their investment strategy based on their growing and changing financial needs. 

Determine investment horizon

Child Education and Marriage Expenses

This plan is customised to help policyholders’ parents save money and accumulate funds for their child’s education or marriage. It ensures that parents have the right amount of funds to support key expenses in their children’s lives. 

Tax Benefits with Sanchay Plus Plan

Tax Benefits

The HDFC SL Youngstar Super Premium Plan is one among many insurance plans to offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961#, on premiums paid. Also, the maturity proceeds can be considered tax-free under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, subject to satisfying the conditions. This feature makes it the best child plan which is also a highly effective tax-oriented investment option. 

FAQ's on Child Education Plan

1 How can I buy a child insurance plan online?

Purchasing a child insurance plan online is quite easy and simple. Simply visit the HDFC Life home page. From the navigation bar, go to "Investment Plan" and click on 'Child Plan’. Then from the interface choose the plan as per your requirement and click on ‘Buy Now’ to initiate your purchase.

2 What is the eligibility to buy a child insurance plan?

The eligibility criteria to buy a child plan are- the child must be an Indian citizen, the parents or the legal guardian must be an Indian citizen and there are age criteria which vary from plan to plan and insurer to insurer.

3 What are the tax benefits of children's education plans in India?

There are two types of tax benefits you can enjoy- firstly you will be eligible for tax deductions on the amount of premium paid of up to Rs. 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of Income Tax Act 1961#. Moreover, up to Rs. 2.5 lakh per year is exempted from tax on the life cover or sum assured amount received from the insurer u/s 10(10D).

4 What are the government plans for child education in India?

Some of the top government policies for child education in India are the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, CBSE Udaan Scheme, Dhanlaxmi Yojana, Balika Samriddhi Yojana etc.

5 Can I customize a child plan as per my specific requirements?

Yes, you can customise a child plan based on your own requirements which can be factors like pay-out structure, policy term, premium amount and other perks aligning with your child’s requirements.

6 What is the importance of investing in a child plan?

There are several important reasons for investing in a child plan which are- funding higher education, using this policy as collateral during financial constraints, partial withdrawal for medical treatment of the child and tax benefits.

7 When can one withdraw money from child plan?

One can withdraw money from a child education insurance plan only when it matures. Otherwise, only partial withdrawals are possible. The amount of these varies based on the selected plan. Usually, after five years since policy inception, policyholders can withdraw a maximum of 20% of the fund value without paying any fee or penalty. Also a Lump sum partial withdrawal from the fund is allowed after completion of five policy years, provided the life assured is at least 18 years of age. Partial withdrawal before completion of policy years would result in termination of the policy.

8 Is child plan tax free?

Child plans are subject to tax benefits on death or maturity claim profits under Sec 10(10D) of Income Tax Act, 1961#. The premiums paid towards insurance plan are also eligible for tax deduction under Section 80C. Benefits are applicable as per prevailing tax laws

9 When to buy a child plan?

There is no right time to buy a child plan. You should buy it when you are ready and the earlier the better. According to experts, it is ideal to begin a child plan within 90 days of the child's birth as you don’t want to miss out on the compounding effect. The sooner parents start a plan for their child, lower is the risk and they stand to make better returns.

10 How will child plan secure your child's future?

Child plans are investment cum insurance plans that help to plan your child's future financial requirements by accumulating money over a period of time. On maturity, a lump sum amount is paid to the child to cover their education or marriage expenses.

Child plans come with Waiver of Premium (WoP) feature which is applicable if the parent dies in a stipulated period. In case of an unfortunate demise, the sum assured is paid to the nominated beneficiary, while the insurance company continues to pay the due premium for the remaining policy term. Upon maturity of the policy, the child stands to receive the maturity amount as mentioned.

You can withdraw money from the child plan during the tenure of the investment. This money can be used for any medical emergency that might arise for the child and reduce the finanaical burden on the family. 

Parents can take the right step in fulfilling their responsibility in securing their child’s future by investing in a child plan.

11 What is child life coverage?

Child life coverage refers to the decided upon amount that the nominee receives in case anything happens to the policyholder during the policy term.

12 Can I purchase a child insurance plan for my 15-year-old child?

Yes, you can purchase a child plan for your 15-year-old child. However, when it comes to investments, the earlier you start the better.

13 What is the difference between a nominee and a beneficiary?

In a child plan, the nominee refers to the person who will help look after the child and the policyholder’s financials if anything happens to them during the policy term. The nominee is responsible for ensuring that the money goes to the intended individual. The beneficiary is the child or the individual who should receive the payout from the policy. In certain situations, the nominee and beneficiary can be the same.

14 Why is beneficiary or nominee important in a child plan?

The beneficiary is the individual who receives the payout from the policyholder or parent. Parents must ensure that their beneficiary is somebody who can handle the responsibility of receiving the child plan benefits. If not, they should appoint a responsible nominee.

15 What are the Documents Required to Buy a Child Insurance Plan?

The documents required to buy a Child Insurance Plan include - proof of age, proof of identity, proof of income, proof of address, and the proposal form.

16 How to calculate child education allowance?

A child education planner will be very useful for determining how much a parent needs for his child’s education allowance. It takes inflation, changing lifestyles, and the child’s growing needs into account to arrive at a correct figure.

17 How to select a child education plan?

A child education insurance plan is generally chosen based on the child’s age and the number of investment years. You can also decide whether you want child ULIPs (unit-linked life insurance plans) or guaranteed plans. Factor in the payout method, associated costs, past performance of the plan, and the claim settlement ratio before you select a plan.

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#As per Income Tax, 1961. Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. Tax benefits & exemptions are subject to conditions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and its provisions. Tax Laws are subject to change from time to time. Customer is requested to seek tax advice from his Chartered Accountant or personal tax advisor with respect to his personal tax liabilities under the Income-tax law.

HDFC Life YoungStar Udaan (101N099V04) is a Non-Linked, Participating, Life Insurance Plan. Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product.

HDFC Life Wealth Maxima (UIN: 101L162V01) is a Non–Participating Unit Linked Individual Life Insurance Savings Policy. Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product.

HDFC SL YoungStar Super Premium (Form No. P 501 UIN: 101L068V03) is a Unit Linked Non Participating Life Insurance Plan. Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product.

The Unit Linked Insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholders will not be able to surrender or withdraw the monies invested in Unit Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of fifth year.

Unit Linked Life Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The premium paid in Unit Linked Life Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions. HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Insurance Company, the name of the company, name of the contract does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance agent or the Intermediary or policy document of the insurer. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns.

ARN: ED/05/24/11734