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How Could 4D Heart Images Bring a Revolution In Cardiac Care - HDFC Life

June 18, 2018 1509
4D technology is the new revolution in the field of medicine. The 4D technology utilizes sound waves to image objects in much the same way as sonar can locate and map features under the water.

Cardiac ultrasounds only provide images of slice through the heart which makes it a little difficult to identify problem areas in the heart.

Breakthrough 4D images of the human heart can now be made using ultrasound, following new software developed by General Electric. Unlike X-rays, this method of imaging internal organs is safe.

According to doctors, the new 4D cardiovascular ultrasound machines produce[s] images so detailed that they can actually see how blood flow is affected by clots inside arteries, or how much blood is leaking around a valve that's malfunctioning. It can also process 5 gigabytes of information in a second. Because there is no radiation used in recording the 4D moving images of the heart, patients will be able to undergo the procedure as often as needed without risk from electromagnetism.

With 4D imaging, doctors can now have access to the areas which were not possible to access in a normal scan. This gives them a detailed picture of the problem area. Since the machine can also process information fast, this saves valuable time and treatment can be started soon.

4D imaging is the new welcome change in the field of cardiac care, especially because of so many stress related heart diseases are on the rise. This saves a lot of discomfort and valuable time for the patient and they can get the much deserved care soon.

HDFC Life has a unique cardiac care plan for the people who suffer from heart disease and would want to ensure financial security against the same.

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Francis Rodrigues
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Vishal Subharwal
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