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Prepping Financially For The Summer Of Your Life

April 18, 2018 1504

In Unit Linked policies, the investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder.

It's almost here, the dreaded season when humidity is at an all-time high and going outside is limited to only absolute necessities. Nobody wants to be out and about when the temperatures have crossed 40° Celsius and standing outside for even 2 minutes will have you dreaming about a nice, cold shower.

Thankfully, we all have our own little list of hacks that help us deal with the increasing heat. Most of us will get our air conditioners serviced, and rearrange our wardrobes so that those light, breathable, and easy-drying fabrics are within easy reach. The more temperature-sensitive amongst us will also go as far as to change their diet for lighter meals, and more fruits. Isn't it amazing just how much we're willing to do to make life a little bit easier for just a few months?

Well, if we're being honest, people are starting to worry about making their life more comfortable, even in the long run. And while many youngsters may just buy insurance for tax-saving benefits, what they're inadvertently doing is protecting their own futures.

  • Retirement Plan

Retirement plans allows you to build up a corpus of funds while you're working. Then, once you decide to hang up the career boots, you can easily live off the savings you've stacked up. Of course, these plans take inflation and an increase in cost of living into consideration, so you mostly won't end up with less than you need, and you won't have to swap out the luxuries you're used to just to get by. Talk about a win-win situation!

  • Child Plan

As young people settle down, and plan a family, they also need to plan for the ever-increasing financial costs of education. From ensuring your child gets to take part in all their favourite extra-curricular activities, to putting away some money in a college fun, it's important to factor in all kinds of expenses. There are several child plans that you can invest in as soon as your child is born, that allows you to build up a lovely nest egg that they can dip into as and when required.

  • Life Insurance

Despite the fact that the average life expectancy is increasing, life is incredibly uncertain, and we never know if we'll actually live to the ripe old age of 90 or not. In such cases, it's imperative to take out a life insurance policy, as it will give your family some financial stability as they deal with their loss. A good life insurance policy will provide your family with a great financial safety net if anything were to happen to you.

  • Health Insurance

How can you benefit from your own insurance policy? By making sure you have a great health plan. A good medical insurance plan will take care of most of your medical bills, allowing you to save money the money that you would have otherwise had to utilise for a panel of medical tests and treatments. Not a bad idea to safeguard your health and finances, no? Honestly, buying insurance is a simple, one-step formula that provides us and our family members with a financial safety net when things go awry. If we're willing to do so much just for an easy summer, shouldn't we take the one step that will take care of our family's future?

This year, as you gear up for summer, buy yourself a good insurance policy, and ensure that you also prepare for the rest of your life. Insurance can help you pay off medical bills, save for retirement, and even provide for your child's further education.

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Francis Rodrigues
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Vishal Subharwal
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