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Striking the Ideal Work-Life Balance

September 26, 2022

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to the entire country working from home for a few months. While life has returned to normal, many companies have adopted long-term hybrid working. Employees can choose to work from home two or three times a week and work from the office on other days. Unfortunately, people who work from home struggle to separate their home and personal lives, often allowing one to spill into the other. Eventually, this leads to longer working hours and higher levels of stress. Let’s look at some ways you can strike the right work-life balance, even when you’re working remotely:

Striking the Ideal Work-Life Balance While Working Remotely

  • Create a Schedule

    Set a daily routine that you follow when you’re working from home. Make sure you start and end your day at the same time as you would if you were in the office. You can further break down your schedule into times you're available for meetings and times you're completing tasks. While you may have to accommodate urgent tasks, having a routine helps you control your day and time better.

  • Make After-Work Plans

    You do not have to be available 24/7 when working from home. Refrain from checking your e-mails or answering work calls after working hours. The best way to clock off on time is by making plans for after work every day. You could choose to attend an online yoga class or meet a neighbour or family member for a walk. Sticking to your schedule and stepping away from your at-home work environment helps you balance your responsibilities.

  • Prioritise Your Health

    While working from home, you may sacrifice your everyday exercise routine or eat at odd times. Striking the right balance means prioritising your health while ensuring it doesn’t impact your work. Give yourself enough time to exercise before or after working hours and take the time to eat a proper meal during the day. Staying healthy helps you feel better and helps you de-stress and unwind. You should also purchase a health insurance policy. The insurance plan will help with emergency medical costs, allowing you to focus on your health. Click 2 Protect Health offers a combination of health and life insurance, providing you with complete peace of mind.

  • Create a Workspace

    If you work from home often, you should create an office space. An office desk and chair setup can help with your focus. If you end up working from the bed or couch, you may get distracted easily, leading to more work stress in the future.

    Striking the right balance between your professional and personal lives requires some effort. These tips encourage you to take control of your life and schedule. Remember, a balanced life is a choice, not an unattainable goal!

    ARN : ED/08/22/28590

Francis Rodrigues
Written By:
Vishal Subharwal
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